
D&G sunglasses are extremely popular all over the world for their glamorous styles and designs

So, you're going to buy a new pair of D&G sunglasses or you have brought one at a good deal from an online store. But hold on! Are you sure those designer shades are authentic? Sure, you saved a lot of money but with the large availability of replicas and knockoffs, many unscrupulous dealers pass off these fakes as originals to the unsuspecting buyer and make huge profits. To ensure you're getting your money's worth, here are 5 simple steps which will help you spot fake D&G sunglasses:

Step 1 Is the seller trustworthy?

Before making your purchase, review the trust factor of the seller you're going to buy from. Ask your friends, look up on the internet for customer reviews...if people are doubtful about the authenticity of their glasses then abstain from buying from such sources. It is always better to purchase your D&G shades from a known and trusted buyer.

Step 2 Check the package

Original D&G sunglasses always come with a branded case and certificate of authenticity. Also accompanying the accessory should be a cleaning cloth and an information booklet. If all these are not included with the package then the glasses are most probably knockoffs.

Step 3 Product research

It is essential to compare the purchased product with the one on the D&G website. The specifications like colors, materials etc should match with those on the company site. If there are any kinds of variation then the shades are replica models.

Step 4 Check the product code

Every branded sunglass pair from D&G has a unique product code associated with it. These codes are stamped on the inside arms of the sunglasses. If you're going to wear the glasses and holding them in the front then you'll clearly see the model number e.g. for D&G DD6019 shades, you'll see D&G 6019 as the code. You will also see the numeric color code and the size code on the inside of the left frame. Also look for the CE mark which is a stamp required for confirmation that the product manufactured in Europe conforms to the European standards.

Step 5 Compare photos and beware of auction sites!

If you're purchasing your D&G sunglasses online then make sure you ask the seller to show you photos of the exact model that you're going to buy. No stock photos will do, because that is an obvious sign of fraud on part of the seller. You surely don't want to end up with fakes. Another important point is to steer clear of any one-day auction sites which are selling D&G shades at throwaway prices. Even if the sunnies are second hand, no one will sell a branded pair at such low rates. Always buy from popular retail stores.

D&G sunglasses are extremely popular all over the world for their glamorous styles and designs, some good examples being the D&G DD 2192 and D&G DD 6056. You can surely buy only the best and original pairs by following some simple rules!

